Boost Your Immune System


To boost your immune system you’ll need a few things.

Before altering your current diet, please be sure discuss all options with your doctor and read our Nutrition Food Disclaimer.

  1. Mason Jar (with a lid to seal it closed) 24 oz.

  2. Fill your clean mason jar with two cups of apple cider vinegar (braggs).

  3. Clean and cut fresh ginger into thin slices and add into your mason jar.

  4. Add two tablespoons of powdered ginger.

  5. Squeens lemon juice into the mason jar, approximately one tablespoon.

  6. Add approximately two tablespoons of raw honey /turmeric; if you do not have access to raw honey, you can use two tablespoons of honey and add turmeric powder (one tablespoon).

  7. Mix the above mentioned very well.

  8. Add approximately one cup of water.

  9. Mix the above mentioned very well and done.

  10. When consuming, take two teaspoons, add into a cup of water or cranberry juice.

    ***Helps boost your immune system (always talk to your doctor before altering your diet, including the above mentioned). Please be sure to review our Nutrition Food Disclaimer. With Love-Self Care Is Healthy!