Make It Happen!

Why it’s Never too Late to be What You Always Wanted to Be

Many of us wanted to become amazing things when we were younger. Some of us wanted to be astronauts and perhaps, some of us wanted to be rock stars. Maybe you’ve dreamed of owning your own business.

Then you reached your twenties and realized that achieving those dreams was harder than you thought. So, like most people, you start working a regular job in the meantime… Then time goes on, you reach thirty years of age, life gets busy and may possibly created a family, spouse and children. Thereafter, you reach forty years of age and come to the conclusion that you’re old and tired. And in short, you realize that you’re never going to be that thing you always wanted to be.

Dreams are for younger people, right? Nope! Not it my book!

Why Dreams Get Easier, the Older You Get????

This is certainly the stance taken by many people but in reality the opposite should be true. As long as you hold on to those dreams, they actually often become more attainable the older you get.

Why? For starters, being older gives you more experience, which means you’re going to have a better idea of how to go after what you want. Then there’s some factors… for example, you’ve may have accumulate useful assets. And if you’re retired, or if your children have moved away from home, then you’ll have more time as well.

If you combine all the above, with a savvy knowledge of how to leverage your age, there’s no reason that you can’t get things done even when you’re older.

Some Examples…

Perhaps you wanted to become an actor but never got around to it when you were younger. When you’re older however, you’ll have the option of applying to appear as an extra in films. You’ll have the time to attend events and the older you are, the more in-demand you’ll find you’ll become for smaller roles. Build up a Resume and who knows!

Another option is to start a YouTube channel. Silver surfers make up a massive proportion of the web and there isn’t as much content for individuals within the age range. You could consider producing a fitness YouTube channel for individuals over 50s and it would likely become a huge hit.

You’ll likewise have more time to write books and more time to pursue hobbies. And if you can’t become an astronaut (admittedly unlikely), then how about signing up for a Virgin Galactic flight? If you can’t be a football player, you could certainly consider becoming a coach, or join an older team.

Did you know that the average age for successful startup founders are in their 40’s? Did you know that you’re twice as likely to start a successful business at the age of 55 as you are at 20-34?

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Never give up,

With Love, Self Care Is Healthy.