Give Yourself Room To Grow

Give yourself room to grow and be patient with the process. Keep in mind that you are a working in progress. Give yourself room to learn and grow. Try new things and keep an open mind and move beyond your comfort zone. Be open to trying new and different things. Consider writing poetry, listen to country music instead of opera. Consider replacing your usual morning run with a calisthenics session.

Seek out challenges. Consider volunteer for difficult assignments at work. Talk about sensitive subjects with my family and friends.

Ask questions and gratify your curiosity. Consult with experts and small children.

Welcome feedback and invite colleagues and clients to let you know what they think about your performance. Consider thanking my loved ones for helpful reminders or to simply talk more slowly. Use their input to make positive changes.

Consider teaching others. Such as tutoring high school students and/or mentoring newcomers in your field of work. You can even simply show your grandparents how to play video games.

Take time to read books, explore nonfiction titles and great literature. You can also consider studying science and history.

Your growth shouldn’t be limited, take classes., sign up for adult education courses at your local university and subscribe to e-learning platforms.

Consider making learning fun. Visit your online local library to browse free audiobooks, movies, and events. Consider traveling to another country or around your neighborhood. Practice speaking foreign languages at ethnic restaurants and grocery stores.

Start training your mind to think and add to your current knowledge and skills. Pursue your passion for learning.

Here are some Self Care Is Healthy Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What is one new skill that would help me to advance my career?

  2. What is the difference between working hard and working smart?

  3. Why is it important to adopt a growth mindset?

With Love,

Self Care Is Healthy.