Kombucha Kickstart

What is Kombucha and Should I be Drinking It?

Kombucha has taken the world by storm in recent years, but most people aren’t exactly sure what it is. The history of the drink is somewhat ambiguous, with some estimates putting its origins as recently as 200 years ago but others claiming that it goes back several thousand years. Most experts agree that it was first created in Northeastern China, and evidence shows that it has been consumed in Russia since the early 1900s. If you’re interested in learning about Kombucha, continue below for more information.

What is Kombucha?

Kombucha is an effervescent tea that is produced through the process of fermentation. Generally, black or green tea is fermented using SCOBY, which stands for symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast. The bacteria are used to oxidize the alcohols that are formed by the yeast, creating acetic acids.

The SCOBY is introduced to a broth of sugared green or black tea. This causes a reaction that creates gluconic and acetic acid, both substances that are present in the final concoction. The process also creates enzymes, amino acids, and ethanol, as well as B vitamins and vitamin C. The alcoholic content is generally less than 1% but that can increase with more fermentation.

Health Claims

Proponents of kombucha have made many claims about the health benefits of the fermented beverage. One of the most common claims among commercially sold kombucha brands is that it can help increase good gut bacteria, leading to improved digestion and overall better health. Others have made claims that suggest that kombucha has properties that cure asthma, diabetes, gout, herpes, and even cancer.

Currently, there is not much scientific evidence that supports a direct link between kombucha consumption and improved overall health. Some correlations suggest that the cultures can act similarly to probiotics, and there is certainly anecdotal evidence of relief in some people who have suffered from digestive issues. However, these anecdotes do not constitute enough proof to definitively say that kombucha can fix your gut health.

Negative Effects

There have been a handful of adverse effects reported in relation to kombucha consumption, but they are generally isolated and mild. A handful of people have suffered from liver and kidney toxicity after consuming kombucha. This could be due to the minimal presence of alcohol or the high level of acidity, which has also lead to acidosis in some individuals. There is only one reported fatality that has been linked with kombucha, but there is no conclusive evidence that the beverage was the cause of the death.

Should You Drink Kombucha

Many people enjoy the flavor and carbonated mouthfeel of kombucha, and most evidence suggests that it is not likely to harm you. However, you shouldn’t rely on the drink to fix any specific ailments you may have, as there is no proof that it is really a miracle worker. If you enjoy kombucha, you should have no problem with consuming it in moderation. Some people may feel better after drinking it, so there is no harm in trying.

Will Drinking Kombucha Aid in Weight Loss?


Of the many health benefits that have been claimed about kombucha, weight loss is one that has intrigued people all over the globe. The concept is that because the drink is good for your gut health, it will help you to reduce cravings and improve your digestion, which will lead to weight loss over time. But can drinking kombucha really help you shrink your waistline? Read below to find out if this weight loss method is right for you.


The Claim


Kombucha enthusiasts claim that the SCOBY, or symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast, works to improve overall gut health. Because it contains probiotics, also known as good bacteria, it helps to create balance in your digestive system. When you lack balance, you have cravings, food sensitivities, indigestion, and bloating among other issues. The bacteria and enzymes help relieve these problems, helping you to benefit from proper digestion.


Fans of kombucha believe that there is a strong correlation between a healthy gut and an overall healthy weight. Because proper digestion can reduce cravings, you will naturally eat smaller amounts of unhealthy foods, replacing them with things that are good for you. When your digestion is working properly, you will have more energy and be more likely to exercise. It also helps with nutrient absorption, keeping you more mentally aware and helping you take advantage of increased stamina.


Others claim that the acetic acids produced by kombucha help to regulate blood sugar levels. Having the proper blood sugar levels can help you to regain lost energy and keep many other health factors in check. When your blood sugar is at an optimal level, you can burn fat more efficiently and take advantage of the nutrients that are in your system.


Should You Use Kombucha to Lose Weight?


While there is no scientific evidence that kombucha works as a weight loss agent, there are many success stories and several correlations that may suggest that it can help. If your goal is to lose fat and reduce your waistline, you can use kombucha as a safe supplement, but you shouldn’t rely on it as a miracle cure for obesity.


Kombucha has vitamins and nutrients that can contribute to health, so there is generally no harm in consuming the beverage unless you have other underlying health issues. If you have a history of alcohol abuse, liver damage, or diabetes, you should consult with your physician before using kombucha as a weight loss aid.


Much like any other so-called miracle cure, you can’t just drink kombucha every day and expect to have a 6 pack in a month. You must exercise regularly and follow a healthy, balanced diet. The best way to lose weight is to consume fewer calories than you expend on a daily basis. If drinking kombucha can help you to reduce your cravings for unhealthy food, then it is perfectly safe to use as an aid. Just remember that kombucha alone is not going to help you reach your goals.

For more information, check out our e-book.

With Love,

Zacelee- Self Care Is Healthy.