Change Begins Within YOU, ME and US; HUMANITY.

Its important that we ALL face the deplorable and systemic racism throughout the United States of America and all over the world. Truth of the matter is, we can unify, inspire and lead the way to help each other.

Change begins within you, me and us; humanity.

Belief systems and hearts can change, our policies, rules and laws would NEED to follow, as they are at the CORE of the issues we face daily and will no longer support or reflect our Nation. Again, silence is not an option.
Do what you can to support the momentum, help, donate, educate, listen, sign petitions, peacefully protest and speak up.

We must overcome the divisiveness of our fears and prejudices. We still have a ways to go. Viola Davis said it best, "A revolution has many lanes-be kind to yourself and to others who are traveling the same direction, just keep your foot on the gas”.

With gratitude and love, Self Care Is Healthy.