Now What?!

The entire globe is affected by the covid-19 pandemic. But as of Sunday March 22, 2020-New York State is currently on pause, an executive order that has required for all residents to remain home, unless it’s absolutely necessary.  Maintaining social distancing is essential to reduce contact between people, which would help stop the spread of the infectious disease.

The Coronavirus has cunningly shut down our metropolis, while a portion of our workforce have lost their jobs due to the epidemic, forcing small and large business to shut down.  This new reality has hit us with an uppercut straight to the face. But, we are strong, so we continue to get up and fight the good fight. But, Now What?!

This is the perfect time to surround yourself with thoughts and ideas which suggest good health, strength and perseverance. Be attentive to your thoughts while using your will power to focus on wellness. Let’s be reminded that we are to consume nutritious food, which is essentially used for the body to heal, grow and build new cells. Be mindful of what you eat!

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Rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit. This is truly a test of times, to reflect and focus on being well and doing well. Talk to a friend, neighbors and distant family members via text messaging, phone call, FaceTime or even Zoom sessions.

To all the caregivers, take this time to continue to cultivate our children and protect the vulnerable.  In New York City, all children are being homeschooled, which is a new phenomenon for most.  We are now being put in a position to continuously and simultaneously work from home, keep our home at peace, redirecting and fulfilling our children’s academic needs, while they repeatedly ask for snack between the hours of 8AM-3PM. Which is probably driving most parents and caregivers crazy!  It’s driving me crazy!!!  Be sure to take a step back to reflect and breathe.  


In all reality, some of our children can sleep a little later than usual, have breakfast at the table while checking into there school home page and spending a little more time with parents and caregivers; a stressor for some adults but a disguised blessing for most. Time is all we really have, spend it wisely.

Lastly, don’t forget to maintain some form of physical activity, to help build and keep your immune system strong.  Just as little as 30 minutes a day!!!


With love,

Self Care Is Healthy.